Friday, May 3, 2013

DIY Mother's Day Bud Vases

I thought it would be fun to make some teeny-tiny bud vases, inspired by my favorite purpley/blue glazed pottery, in honor of Mother's Day. These would be a great little gift, or something sweet to leave at Mom's place at breakfast.
All you'll need is a little Sculpey, some acrylic paint, and your 225deg oven:
Roll out a small circle for your base. The roll two wide flat pieces for your sides. Starting with the one piece, attach it around the edge of your base, pinching it together to seal the seams. Repeat with the second side. When both sides are on, using your fingers, mold all seams together and pinch and flatten to form your desired vase shape. It is important that you check that everything is smooth and blended so that no water leaks out after baking. I made three different little shapes for mine...
Now bake your little vases in the oven at 225degs. About 15mins per 1/4inch of thickness. I left mine in for only about 15mins, and they were done. Let them cool and then paint!:)
I wanted mine to have a sort of glazed marbley look, but you could do yours any which way! Or even leave them plain...nice and simple.
It was so much fun picking tiny blooms today to put in my little vases...

Do you have any Mother's Day plans yet!?
Ps. Happy Fridayyyy!

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  1. These are beautiful. The look like blow glass whan the light hits them! Amazing!


  2. Thanks Lesli! They are making me smile on my little kitchen window sill:))


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