Thursday, November 29, 2012


"A Book is a Gift that is Enjoyed Again and Again..."

I thought I'd take a short break from holiday posts for the day, and share one of my favorite gifts from last year (well I had a lot of favorites..but here's one).  My brother gave me this book, "Modern Vintage Style" by Emily Chalmers.  As you may have gathered early on, from my few mentions and from the title of my blog, I LOVE vintage and antiques (surprise! join the club, right? ;) I grew up in a family that has been passionate about antiques since before I was born. After I was born, I joined my dad on many trips to barn auctions and antique shops. He was choosing things to decorate our family home, furniture, light fixtures, etc. and I would usually be allowed to choose a small item or two for myself (tended to be a doll of some sort, or tiny perfume bottles).  And so began the collecting...

One of the hardest things I find as an adult, other than stopping myself from buying everything I love, is incorporating my love of vintage into my contemporary home. N and I own a small yellow bungalow style house that boasts freshly painted walls and clean new lines. Obviously my dream is to live in a huge old farmhouse, which would of course scream for the decorations of my particular taste. Since this is a faraway goal, I am confronted with the challenge of making my vintage style mesh with a modern home. My other challenge is that a lot of our larger pieces of furniture were hand me downs, or urgent low cost purchases, so mixing the new with the old successfully is an on going project for me. 

I will not lie, and say that our home even comes close to the fabulousness of the pages of this book, but I find the book to be a great source of inspiration and well, lovely eye-candy;)

 Aren't the photos just gorgeous? I think Ms Chalmers would approve of our "Podunk Ladies Quilt", don't you? I especially love the way this book is written, giving meaning and worth to each room, and presenting ideas along with encouraging advice...
 But mostly, I just enjoy the photos;)

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