Thursday, December 13, 2012

Deck the Halls

The house is all decorated, despite some minor disappointment over the tree that went something like this: Total excitement over bringing it in last night...I started dinner early so we'd be able to enjoy the process. Christmas tunes went on.  N went outside and gave the trunk a fresh cut, we hauled it through the door and into the stand in the corner of our living room. And then?
we looked at each other...why is it so short!? What happened? It looked so perfect standing in the field with it's tree friends! oh no...oh nooo...This is not the perfect tree at all:(
But we felt loyal to this tree...we'd gone so far to get it, we had cut it down for gosh sake! The magic of the day! The hot chocolate!!

How to remedy this...I dragged a little 2ft table in and N lifted the tree stand up onto the table.  Some white cloth and pins to conceal the table, and  if you stand across the room, with the couch blocking our table stand contraption? magic:) aaand..when taking pictures, start 3/4 of the way up! that's all;) Good as new, they say.
(You'll notice I haven't plugged the lights in...they are rainbow lights...because N loves multicolored lights. We will leave it at that.)
While N was up on the ladder stringing lights along the roof line, our neighbor was across the street on his roof doing the same.  A few minutes later as N and I stood in the yard, switched the lights on and stood back to admire, our neighbor yelled "Ooh! God bless us all" and we laughed so hard, it was perfect:)

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