Friday, September 6, 2013

Nifty Thrifty

I had a super sweet ladies date with my Mama today. We went to a 3-story thrift shop up north that I had been dying to visit after hearing about its wonderfulness from several people. It was wonderful indeed, and I left with a few new treasures...
Lovely finds. Five for $2.00 books...Field Guides to mammals, marine life, and birds...The Outline Of Science. A beautiful and sturdy french glass canister and an embroidered house boasting blue shingles and pink curtains.
I also got a cream and salmon knit throw blanket, as well as a set of retro floral sheets for our little guest bed. They were getting a hot wash and didn't make the photos;)

My new rule is ...I must decide WHERE an item is going to go in the house before I purchase it. Otherwise I run risk of crossing the fine line from collector to hoarder. Just kidding...sort of.
But seriously, don't you just love good inexpensive treasures??



  1. I love the hand bookend!! It could be also used for rings display! :-)

    1. Yes! That's exactly what I used to use it for (while the books are new, I've had that hand for a while;)..I think originally it was supposed to be mounted on the wall as a towel hook:)Xo

  2. Oh my goodness! I'm in love with everything you got! :)

    1. Thanks Mary! I actually thought of you with the books for some reason...I think maybe you have posted about a love for second-hand book? XO

  3. I have to do this all the time....lately I find my self moving things I just had to have from the attic to my Garage Sale pile. Its the collector in all of us, we just dont want to end up on Hoarder Buried Alive!


  4. That cross stitch is so cute, love the blue shingles! And good finds on the books too, you should frame some of those illustration pages :)

  5. Hi! : ) great blog. just started following. Love your creativity, it is inspiring! Thrift store finds are the best and i am recycling (thus reducing my carbon footprint). Re: hoarding, I have a similar rule as yours about figuring out what i will use item for, or where it will go. My other rule of thumb is that if I buy one thing I must donate, sell and dispose of one thing. Looking forward to your other entries. Bye.


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