Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Art with Heart

The other night our niece spent the night with us. She loves to draw just as much as I do and you can often find us side by side, with paper and colored pencils. On this particular night I suggested a project that I had enjoyed in elementary school. You take a symmetrical image from a magazine, cut it neatly in half, paste it down on your paper and then draw in the missing half by hand. She flipped through an old magazine and  pulled out a page. I smiled as soon as I saw what she'd chosen. It was from an article about Jess Brown and her gorgeous dolls. I have always been a huge fan of her work and was thrilled that my niece had chosen these images. We cut them out of the page and got to work.
The end result was so sweet I decided to frame them. They now hang on our living room wall and I will think of us sitting together working on them every time I look at them.

I love when the things that hang on our walls have special meaning. Do you feel the same way?



  1. You and your niece are so lucky to share a creative streak. Makes for memorable times together.
    I have treasured memories of long ago Valentine's Day marathons- the paper and scissors kind!

    1. It's the BEST! You're so right, always happy memories:) Something I treasure. Xo


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